Monday, June 6, 2011

Weigh in for Leah

I have gained about 2 pounds this week, not that I am suprised I ate a lot of fries and burgers this weekend. I always have a hard time on the weekend. I really want to loose the last of my weight but it is sticking to me. I know with summer it will be hard since we do not cook a lot at home now. I just need to learn to go with the salad or lower menu item for now on. I am also not getting to work out a lot as I wanted to, seems we are always having to get things done when I get off work and never enough time to go walking or to the gym. Normally I would take a child with me, but when my hubby works nights nad I have 2 kids that is not possable I am not that strong at all. I really want to do boot camp soon, I need a buddy though.

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